Anaemia of CKD:
From the nephrologist and nurse perspective
This site is recommended for nephrologists and kidney nurses.
The compleixity behind anaemia of CKD

Reduced erythropoietin production

Absolute iron deficiency due to blood losses or impaired iron absorption

Inefficient use of iron stores due to inflammation with increased hepcidin levels

Inflammation due to CKD and associated comorbidities

Reduced bone marrow response to erythropoietin due to uremic toxins
“Nephrologists and nurses play an important role in detecting
and treating anaemia in their CKD patients”
Expert Interviews
The mechanism of anaemia of CKD is complex. View this video to learn more about what is behind this complexity.
View the video to learn about the prevalence of anaemia of CKD, the servere symptoms worsening the Quality of life for the patients and the importance why to treat the patients
What are the symptoms and why is it so important to detect and treat anaemia of CKD. Listen to the two experts in the video to hear about the very important role nephrologists and kidney nurses have in detcting and treating anaemia of CKD patients
It is not that easy to treat patients suffering from renal anaemia. Listen to the two experts to learn about the key challenges treating renal anaemia.
How do you talk anaemia with your patients?
Nephrology nurse Elisabeth has structured the conversions with her CKD patients and their relatives talking abotu anamia, implications and treatment plans
The patophysiology of anaemia of CKD
Learn more about the complex pathological mechanisms that contribute to aneamia in CKD.
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Test your knowledge:
How much do you know about anaemia in CKD patients?
Anaemia could be consuming patients with advanced CKD. Not only in terms of physical impact, but also in terms of impared quality of life.
The questions in this quiz are based on the findings in published studies.3,4,6
Gain valuable insights and receive updated
information about anaemia of CKD
Podcast, brought to you by Medical Affairs at Astellas
Episode 1
The Elusive Molecular Switch
– The Science of the Matter
Episode 2
A Basic Research Scientist’s Dream Come True
– The Science of the Matter
1 in 5 CKD patients develop anaemia²
Anaemia of CKD generally increases in frequency and severity in the more advanced stages of CKD.³
Anaemia of CKD can:

Reduce health-related quality of life4

Increase cardiovascular risk5

Increase the risk of all-cause mortality6

Accelerate the progression of CKD7
From the patient persepctive
Two patients tell their stories about how anaemia of CKD impacts their lives.
1. Portolés J, et al. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease: From Pathophysiology and Current Treatments, to Future Agents. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:642296.
2. Dmitrieva O, et al. Association of anaemia in primary care patients with chronic kidney disease: cross sectional study of quality improvement in chronic kidney disease (QICKD) trial data. BMC Nephrol. 2013;14:24.
3. Evans M, et al. Contemporary management of anaemia, erythropoietin resistance and cardiovascular risk in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: a nationwide analysis. Clin Kidney J. 2020;13(5):821-827.
4. Eriksson D, et al. Cross-sectional survey in CKD patients across Europe describing the association between quality of life and anaemia. BMC Nephrol. 2016;17(1):97.
5. Weiner DE, et al. Effects of anemia and left ventricular hypertrophy on cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005;16(6):1803-1810.
6. Astor BC, et al. Kidney function and anemia as risk factors for coronary heart disease and mortality: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Am Heart J. 2006;151(2):492-500.
7. Mohanram A, et al. Anemia and end-stage renal disease in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy. Kidney Int. 2004;66(3):1131-1138.